環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:ENS
加州新興的零碳餐廳,將替農業減少大量碳排放。圖片來源:Suzie’s Farm(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
加州食品與農業部(California Department of Food and Agriculture, CDFA)和加州空氣資源委員會(California Air Resources Board, CARB)表示,他們將為食品和纖維供應鏈中的企業建立機制,直接為加州農場和牧場的氣候計畫提供資金。
為發展合作關係,CARB和CDFA將與加州非營利組織「多年生農業計畫」和其下的合作,推出「重建加州再生餐廳」(Restore California Renewable Restaurants),消費者可透過選擇「零碳餐廳」為農場提供資金。
California Agencies Partner to Advance Carbon Farming SACRAMENTO, California, May 4, 2019 (ENS)
In the kitchen at State Bird Provisions, a Zero Footprint Restaurant, San Francisco, California, (Photo courtesy )
The California Department of Food and Agriculture, CDFA, and the California Air Resources Board, CARB, have formed a public-private initiative to advance climate-smart agriculture and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on agricultural lands.
The two state agencies say they will create a mechanism for businesses in the food and fiber supply chain to directly fund climate projects on California farms and ranches.
Agricultural lands play a pivotal role in fighting climate change. This collaboration will enable private dollars to support state priorities and practices that the state uses in its climate-smart agriculture programs.
Carbon farming takes in a variety of agricultural methods aimed at sequestering the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the soil. Increasing the carbon content of soil can aid plant growth, increase soil organic matter, improve soil water retention capacity, and reduce fertilizer use.
Carbon farming can cover small changes in land management, like introducing no-till cropping, stubble retention, agroforestry, or methane-reducing feed supplements.
At the large end of the scale, it can mean an integrated plan for the whole farm to reduce emissions and maximize carbon capture.
CARB and CDFA intend to convene an expert working group to design an approach that will attract private investment dollars to climate-smart agricultural projects.
In developing their partnership, CARB and CDFA will work with an established California non-profit, the Perennial Farming Initiative and its Zero Foodprint Program, to launch Restore California Renewable Restaurants.
Through this voluntary initiative, diners can choose zero carbon restaurants that are funding real on-farm emissions reductions.
Zero Foodprint restaurants are creating a renewable food system by voluntarily funding climate-friendly farming practices. This engages restaurants at all levels by directly increasing soil health and the supply of great ingredients. New research also shows that these changes could reverse climate change.
Sixty to 70 percent of a restaurant’s footprint typically comes from the food itself. Zero Foodprint advises restaurants on how to think about minimizing food emissions through tools such as vendor selection, menu design and portion control.
By 2030, Restore California restaurants can deliver millions of tons of carbon reductions on California farms and ranches.
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